Letter to My Ex Husband.....

Dear SZ

Today I write to you to say thank you.
As we separated I was angry and never thought I would get to this time in my life, but I want to thank you.
Thank you for cheating on me when I was dealing with thyroid cancer. Thank you for taking advantage of me at my lowest point in life and my insecurities. Thank you for taking advantage of my trust. Thank you for breaking the law many times and me having to pawn my jewelry to get you out of jail. Thank you for not showing me any affection, especially out in public. Thank you for not giving me any attention. Thank you for discounting my feelings when I have tried to communicate with you. Thank you for not being romantic and planning getaways for just us, or doing small things like flowers every now and then. Thank  you for not telling me I am beautiful or showing me that you appreciate me. Thank you for not being my support system and being my backbone so I am able to succeed. Thank you for taking advantage of my support and making sure you are successful in life. Thank you for cheating on me again. Thank you for telling your mistress that I was fat, ugly, unattractive , and lazy. Thank you for making me sound like I was a bad wife. Thank you for putting your hands on me when I had your phone and saw the texts between you and your mistress. Thank you for choosing to walk away after you got busted cheating again. Thank you for putting my health at risk by sleeping around. Thank you for embarrassing me because I had to sit in the doctors office to get tested for STDs. Thank you for not trying to see if me or our daughter were okay after you left. Thank you for leaving me struggling to pay bills and taking care of our daughter. Thank you for making me go through depression because you made me feel like I wasn't good enough. Thank you for trying to come back right after our divorce was finalized. Thank you for marrying someone you only knew for 2 weeks only 2 months after our divorce was final. Thank you for not paying spousal support you were ordered to pay. Thank you!

If it wasn't for all of this I wouldn't have learned so much. See I thought the way you treated me was how a marriage was supposed to be. that you are never supposed to give up or walk away. After everything you did, it took so much strength to walk away. I thought about our daughter, I thought about if I wanted her to have a husband like you, and my answer was HELL NO. I needed to show her that you are NEVER supposed to let a man treat you like the way you have treated me. See I painted our relationship on the outside as a perfect one, little did everyone know, you have cheated, you have gotten caught being on dating sites, you have been caught being on adultery dating sites, you have been caught watching porn so many times, and you have been caught texting other women. I wasnt going to allow it anymore. The only reason I stayed so long was because I was insecure. I really thought I couldnt be without you.
I went through depression, I struggled through it all. Then one day I laid in bed without you and it felt good. I didnt miss the warmth of you or your smell. I actually slept well and didn't wake up looking for you and I didnt wake up sad to see that you werent there.
I finally decided it was time for me to wake up, get up, and move on. And that is exactly what I did. I met someone while out with friends and I didnt think it would be anything. Then things started to happen.
I started smiling again. I was working out more and started losing weight, my skin was looking great.  I had confidence again. I felt sexy, and wanted. I finally got a great job in research, something I had been wanting. And I was finally coming back to who I was before I met you. People started to tell me that I looked great and I was glowing.
Life actually got better. I finally got a cancer free diagnosis, which I had been waiting for for a long time. And our daughter finally had her mother back.
And the new person in my life, he is now the love of my life.
Thank you for making me realize that everything you are and everything you did, and how you treated me was not how I was supposed to be treated as a woman, a lover, a friend, and a wife. I am now treated as if I am the most beautiful woman in the world, I am given so much time, affection, and attention. He supports me through everything. He takes care of me, He is romantic, He respects me, I have realized now that there is so much that I deserve, so much I shouldve gotten from you. I realized relationships are not supposed to be like how ours was. They are supposed to be about love, emotion, mutual respect, affection, attention, and communication.

Wednesday our daughter will be leaving for college, and of course I had envisioned that we would be dropping her off together as parents should do, but things have completely changed, You got married to someone you only knew for 2 weeks and didnt talk to our daughter about it. And she doesnt want you involved. I will be taking her and doing it all without you,  and not once will I bring you up. We will be just fine. Thank you for hurting me and her, See, you have taught both she and I one more important thing. You taught me that I had already had a tough life, sexually assaulted as a child, and as a teen, treated poorly by many, and cancer. That even though you put me through so much misery, there was always that strength inside of me that whole time. And when I finally woke up from the hell I was in, I found it again. And you showed our daughter that she also has that same strength. She has amazed me with how wonderful she has handled everything. And even though you still think that I tell her not to talk to you, she is an adult and makes her own decisions.

As I move into life in new chapters with our daughter off at school, and myself in school and working, When I now look back on this chapter in my life, I will not see the pain and hurt anymore. I will see the lessons I have learned and how much I have grown through it all. See, I am finally happy, and it took a very long time, and I now know what true love really is and if it wasnt for everything that you did, I wouldnt be able to have what I have now. THANK YOU.


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